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I'm a Canine Behaviorist who trains dogs based on Canine Psychology 


No treats, prong collars, or shock collars needed

I believe in building the proper relationship with your dog through training not conditioning. I've been training dogs for 20+ years and my methods are proven to be successful.

Sign client made while training
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Different packages offered

Pack Walk with a client


Sessions are 1 hour. Within the session we can work on anything you'd like to cover for that session.

Personal dog helping with a Training Session


Basic Obedience includes but not limited to house breaking, house training. Basic Obedience commands sit, lay, down stay, heal and wait, and recall. Also included in every package are the Behavioral issues that go along with training. Such as dominance, possession, aggression towards animals or people, separation anxiety, jumping, chewing, etc.

Behavior Training Session


This package is exclusively for Behavioral Issues meaning your dog is proficiently trained but still has behavior issues. In most cases these packages pertain to rescues.

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Passionate. Patient. Persistent. Reliable.

I'm a 4th generation dogman who has been training dogs from childhood and I'm also a Canine Behaviorist. I have experience in training any dog from your tiny lap dogs to your bigger working breeds. I come well equipped with the experience needed for any situation big or small.

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Client's dog

Celeste Catalano

My Bernese Mountain Dog was a nightmare before Behavior and Dog Training.


She would pull while walking, her recall was horrendous, and she destroyed her crate. Getting her to come inside by basic commands was torture for me because she would look right at me, acknowledge that I was speaking to her, and choose to make it a game, resulting in a lot of frustration for me.


After Perry started training us (yes, I was trained too), we learned a lot about each other and adapted really quickly. My dog learned that I was alpha, and our relationship got 150% better than where we started.


A walk is more enjoyable for both of us now because I can walk her without being pulled. Perry took my negative experience of walking my dog to make it a positive and more enjoyable experience for both me and my pup.


The dog park is more manageable because when we started, I couldn't get my pup to acknowledge me and leave when I was ready. will check in with me every so often while at the park, and when I'm ready to leave, she will follow me to the gate.

She waits before she gets in the car, she stopped jumping on people, and stopped begging. The best part about the entire experience is that I gained the respect of my dog and WE DID NOT USE TREATS AS A PART OF TRAINING! 


I highly recommend Behavior and Dog Training for your pup and I plan to use Perry for my future pups.

Client's dogs

Mol C

Perry not only trained my Cane Corso, but he saved his life. There is no other trainer on Earth that would help with the situation I was in. My Cane Corso was an owner surrender at the age of 2 when I got him. He had separation anxiety and an intact alpha male. To say the least Wesson (the Corso) was extremely dominant. I already had 3 dogs and this was my 4th dog into the pack. When I got him, it was a total nightmare. I was crying for 2 days straight and thought he had to go to the pound, where they would have put Wesson down. I also have a Golden Retriever and a German Shepard and a Chihuahua. My friend recommended I call Perry before I do anything crazy (apparently adopting a 2 year old Cane Corso with 3 other dogs isn't crazy enough). I called Perry and explained the Cane Corso was trying to dominate my Golden and Perry was at my house that night!!!! We hadn't slept in 2 days! That was the first night of peaceful sleep. Over the next few weeks Perry worked with us. I now have 4 dogs that can live in peace together. I even was able to walk the Golden and the Corso by myself after a few months of training. Wesson is completely obedient now. I was even able to integrate another Cane Corso  puppy by myself!! Perry gave me all the tools I needed to train all the dogs. Perry is the real deal. He still answers when I call. We finished training, but he's always there for us! If anyone wants my contact information for more of a detailed account of my training experience with Perry, please feel free to ask Perry for a reference or reach out.

Client's dog

Anthony Snow

Been working with Perry for a bit and our German Shepard pup, Duke, has been doing great. Perry has worked with us and taught us much and Duke's behavior has been doing a180. For example, Duke gets very excited and hyper when we have guests over, especially my dad. Duke goes crazy with excessive barking and jumping up on people. After consulting with Perry, he gave us some pointers on how to stop this behavior. Sure enough, my dad just came to visit and Duke did what he always does. But I then followed what Perry had told me, and within moments got Duke calmed down. No more barking, no more jumping on my dad. He was just calm. I was actually able to let him off the leash, something I've never been able to do before when my dad visits.


Perry is basically the dog whisperer and he's great at also teaching the owner to cultivate a better relationship with their dog. He not only teaches the dog, but he teaches you the techniques to work with your dog. We are so happy to have Perry to work with. We highly recommend him!

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(267) 428-9309

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